The “ICDE Virtual Global Conference Week 2021: Upskilling and upscaling for quality Open, Flexible and Distance Learning (OFDL)” will take place during the week of 25 - 29 October 2021 and will consist of an academic programme adapted to various time zones that will bring together the global educational community to develop skills and knowledge in delivering quality OFDL.
Time Zone Flexibility: Flexible virtual programme with sessions planned in multiple time zones.
Delegate interaction: Delegates and participants have option to pick sessions in their preferred time zone and have access to all materials post event in virtual event library.
Programme Structure: Programme structure following the Programme Themes and populated in time zones dependent on regional contribution with:
Top level international Keynote speakers (Webinar format)
workshops, poster sessions, and peer reviewed papers presentations (Meeting format to allow for participant engagement)
Papers presentations accepted after scientific committee review including insurance of global representation
Conference Proceedings: Video recordings made available in a Virtual Library, Book of Abstracts of academic papers and best papers selected for a special edition of Open Praxis.
The programme themes for the 2021 ICDE Virtual Global Conference Week: Upskilling and upscaling for quality OFDL are drawn from the ICDE Strategic Plan’s three prioritized areas of Quality, OER and innovation in education.
The academic programme will provide insights into the latest research and best practices of delivering quality OFDL and will also be a stepping-stone for further development of ICDEs global advocacy campaigns. Sub-themes are:
Upskilling and upscaling for Quality OFDL: Flexibility, Accessibility, Scalability and Innovation in Quality Assurance
Upskilling and upscaling for Open Education and OER: Evolutions for Open Education and Open Learning Ecosystems
Upskilling and upscaling for innovation in education through new technologies and practices.
Keynote Speakers
Deputy Provost at Athabasca University, Canada's largest open university and a leader in online learning.
Her keynote will focus on the conference theme of “Upskilling and upscaling for Quality OFDL: Flexibility, Accessibility, Scalability and Innovation in Quality Assurance”
One of the world’s leading advocates of learning for sustainable development, is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Commonwealth of Learning.
Her keynote will focus on the conference theme of “Upskilling and upscaling for Open Education and OER: Evolutions for Open Education and Open Learning Ecosystems”.
Chancellor of Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Chairman of the Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE), Member of the Executive Council of the Association of Arab Universities (AARU).
His keynote will focus on the conference theme of “Upskilling and upscaling for innovation in education through new technologies and practices”.
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