Exam set-up at Benin Centre commendable - Ogunleye

By Joel Nkanta
Ogunleye (left) and Disu in the exams hall at Benin Study Centre

The Dean, Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Dr. Bamikole Ogunleye, has commended the set-up of the ongoing 2024_1 e-Exam at the Benin Study Centre.


Ogunleye made the assertion on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, on the sidelines of his supervision of the ongoing scripting exercise as he took timeout to visit the e-Exam Hall to monitor the 2 pm examination. 


In his interaction with the Centre Director, Dr. Akeem Disu, the dean inquired about the students' experiences in the exams. 


He said he was delighted to hear that the students found the ongoing e-Exam at the centre seamless and stress-free. 


"Positive feedbacks such as this are good signs of a commendable exam set up," Ogunleye said.


He commended Disu and his team on their dogged commitment to ensuring smooth and successful exams administration at the centre and encouraged them to keep up the good work.


