Mani Community Study Centre director hosts newly-appointed NSCDC Divisional Officer

By Inuwa Hamza Yunusa
Group photograph shortly after the familiarisation visit

The Director, Mani Community Study Centre, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Mr. Shamwil Salisu Bala, has hosted the newly-posted Divisional Officer of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Mani Local Government Area of Katsina State, Deputy Superintendent of Corps, Nura Umar who was on familiarisation and courtesy visit. 

The visit, according to the Divisional Officer in his speech, was aimed at strengthening the already established cordial relationships between the corps and the university in the area of security and safety of lives and properties at the centre and the local government. 

Umar said being the two as major stakeholders, there was the need to compliment each other in their various area of specialisations, expressing appreciation to the director for the warmth reception. 

He emphasised on the importance of building strong and robust partnership between NSCDC and NOUN and highlighted the need for a proactive approach to ensure the safety and security of students, staff, and the entire study centre facilities as well as the community in general. 

He assured the centre's management of his formation's readiness to collaborate and provide support to enhance the overall security of infrastructure of the institution.


Responding, the Ag Centre Director, Mr. Shamwil Salisu Bala, expressed gratitude for the visit and upheld that NSCDC was the first agency to pay such kind of visit. 

On the NSCDC’s determination to ensure the safety of both staff, students and the immediate community, the director assured the total commitment of the university towards realising the set objective. 

On the other hand, Bala seized the opportunity of the visit to sell NOUN, as the personnel of the NSCDC are NOUN's potential clients. 

He stated that NOUN and NSCDC were long partners as there is a Special Study Centre specifically established for the personnel of NSCDC formation at Sauka in Abuja. 

Bala urged them to enroll, and pass the information to their colleagues as there are abundant benefits that await them. 

The director appreciated the team for the visit and assured them of his readiness to partner with them in the areas of in-house security staff training for capacity building and development. 

He acknowledged the critical role of security agencies in maintaining a conducive environment for learning and commended the NSCDC efforts in this regard.

In attendance were the Centre Administrative Officer, Hafiz Haruna, the ICT staff, Muhammad Murtala, the Senior Executive Officer (admin), Malam Umar Bunu Kariwa and a host of others. 

The meeting drew its curtain with the presentation of souvenir to the NSCDC Divisional Officer and his entourage.

